There is this web site called and on it there are all these amazing thing built from wood by a woman. She generously shares her plans with the world for free. So, a few months ago I saw a little kids picnic table on her site and decided the littles needed one. Asked my friend Keith if he wanted to mke it for me and he really didn't... So Tiffanie and I decided we would do it our selfs!
Yesterday was the day!
Taught yoga at 9, then met Tiffanie at Home Depot at 10:40.....
The fun stuff on the cart... looked kind of pathetic before we got the wood on it.
Tiffanie checking the wood to make sure it was not warped.
We headed back to Tiffanie's house because her hubby Keith has the tools.
Me using the saw... pretty fun!
Tiff and I did 95% of the cutting, Keith helped us with a couple of cuts.
Tiffanie's Turn at the saw.
The faces I was making crack me up!
This is when we were cutting the angles... team work to make sure we hit the mark exactly.
Keith offering me advice on an easier way to attach the table support to the top.
Tiff drilling holes. We did all of the drilling and 95% of the screws too:) Keith had to help with a few and we let him because it was getting late in the day. We started about 1pm and I got home at almost 8pm.
Our foreman hard at work.
Tatum had to make sure we were doing a good job!
Keith was trying to fix a screw that Tiff put in a little too far:)
The finished product!
I have to say I am super impressed with us, and the table... as you can see it is sturdy and we modified it a bit, we took the corners off the table and the benches because it looks cute. We primed it last night and now I am going to pop over there so we can paint it! Can't wait to show you the finished product!
Thanks for the help Tiff and Keith!
WOW...I am as equally impressed!
Oh wow!!! You clever girls!
GIRL POWER and all that eh?!
I went to the local wood yard today to get a new seat for a chair I am 'doing up' and I just gave him a template, I smiled sweetly and he cut it out for girls put me to shame hee hee. X
Oh my gosh.......those pictures are sooo cute! The one of Tatum with the pencil is just adorable! I am so impressed with your table! Good work!!
I'm very impressed!
That turned out great!!
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