My baby girl turned two... I don't remember being sad about it with the other kids... Maybe it's because I KNOW how fast they grow up and that she is our last little baby.
I took these on her actual birthday which was last Thursday. We have been talking about turning two for awhile now. A couple days before her birthday she figured out how to make two on her fingers and was pretty proud of her self.
Scarlette Grace STATS at TWO:
23.2 lbs= 10th percentile... I knew she was tiny but 10th percentile... shessh
34" tall= 55th percentile so just above average.
Your feet are soo tiny still .. all your friends that are the same age are wearing 6-7 and you are still in a 4.
You may be tiny... but you have a big personality.
You quite like to be the center of attention and are quite charming when we are out in public
You have been day potty trained for awhile now... which is crazy to me because you are so little the smallest sized panties hardly stay up.
You can count to 3 always and some times 5.
You love to sing and you sing along to the radio in the car.... which can be quite funny since we are usually listening to current music.
You try to be big like your brother.... which makes you a little crazier than your sisters were at your age.
You try to be big like your brother.... which makes you a little crazier than your sisters were at your age.
You have no interest in TV.. AT ALL...
You call Gabby= ga ga or gagrielle and you call Gwen= wen and Graham is BUBA
You are an amazing little eater.. you love foods with flavor and also inherited Mommy's love for dessert...
You are not a huge talker at this point... but you understand everything and follow directions well..... as long as you want to.
You are the sweetest little girl and we love you sooo much!

My granddaughter will be two in a couple of weeks. It was nice to compare notes with your sweet two year old.
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