Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Weight Loss Wed.

I am seriously getting tired of reporting the same thing week after week!  No change again!  Have been sick this week and have not done one bit of exercise because of it.  Did better with drinking milk his week, not so good on the water though.

Here are some fitness myths from calorie count.

Fitness Myth 1: No Pain, No Gain

Exercise does not need to hurt to be good for you. In fact, if it does hurt you’re probably doing something wrong. Some soreness is common for a first time exerciser, but if that continues, you are pushing way too hard. Delayed onset muscle soreness, in which pain occurs up to 48 hours after exercise, results from inflammation and microscopic tears in the elastic tissues that surround muscle fibers. To give muscles time to adapt, don’t do much too soon, or you will risk injury.

Fitness Myth 2: Excessive Sweating While Exercising Means You’re Not Fit

In fact, it's just the opposite. Sweating during exercise is a sign of an efficient cooler. An athlete who has adapted to keep the body core cool during exercise will shunt blood to the skin’s surface more quickly and release heat from the body. At the same time, the sweat glands increase their output and thus cool the body during sweat evaporation. While fit people produce more sweat than sedentary folks, they lose less sodium, because more of it is reabsorbed by the body. The result is a more efficient cooler.

Fitness Myth 3: If You Stop Exercising, Your Muscles Will Turn to Fat

Fat and muscles are two different tissue types. One can not convert to the other. The truth is that muscles atrophy when not used. Therefore, if you continue to eat as you always have, but stop exercising, you will see an increase in body fat and a loss of muscle mass. Of course, the real question is why are you stopping exercise in the first place?

Fitness Myth 4: You Can Increase Fat Burning By Exercising Longer at a Lower Intensity

It really isn't important what percentage of energy during exercise comes from fat or carbohydrate. What matters at the end of the day is how many total calories were expended. The higher the exercise intensity, the more calories are burned per minute. Many new exercisers, however, are encouraged to exercise at a lower intensity because high-intensity exercise is difficult to sustain, and safer. Read More: Energy for Exercise

Fitness Myth 5: If You Exercise, You Can Eat Anything

If you try to make up for poor nutrition by exercising, you are going to be disappointed. While eating poorly and not exercising is far worse for your health that eating poorly and exercising, you will get the most out of your workouts if you fuel them with high quality foods.

Fitness Myth 6: If You Don't Work Out Hard and Often, Exercise Is A Waste Of Time

Nothing could be farther from the truth. Research shows that even moderate exercise, such as walking and gardening a few times a week, can have tremendous benefits. One study found that gardening for as little as an hour a week reduced the risk of heart disease.

Fitness Myth 7: Exercise Can Fix All Your Health Problems

While consistent exercise can make a huge difference in quality and quantity of life, it can't fix everything. Individuals with other health issues and diseases still need to follow a physician's advice when it comes to disease management protocols. And although exercise alone can not guarantee your health, or cure you of illness, regular physical activity has been shown to help everything from arthritis and heart disease to asthma and diabetes.

Fitness Myth 8: Weight Training Will Bulk You Up

Many women use this excuse to avoid weight training. What they don't realize it that weight training is often the easiest and quickest way for women to lose body fat and increase muscle definition.

Fitness Myth 9: To Build Muscle Requires Massive Amounts of Protein

There is no scientific evidence supporting the popular belief that athletes require massive amounts of protein. According to Dr. Suzanne Nelson Steen, head of the University of Washington Huskies Sports Nutrition Program, strength athletes require just slightly more protein than other individuals and still need adequate carbohydrate to replenish muscle glycogen. She points out that all high intensity, powerful muscle contractions (such as weight lifting) are fueled with carbohydrate. "Neither fat nor protein can be oxidized rapidly enough to meet the demands of high-intensity exercise. Adequate dietary carbohydrate must be consumed on a daily basis to restore glycogen levels." To build more muscles, you simply have to follow a good weight training program and eat a well balanced diet consistently. Read More: How to Feed Your Muscles.

Fitness Myth 10: The More Exercise The Better

Of course you can get too much exercise. Many top athletes give in to this myth, and many pay the price with injury, illness and depression. When it comes to exercise, you need an appropriate balance of training and rest in order to perform optimally

Below are links to this weeks participants, pop over and leave them an encouraging comment. If you want to join us, email me and I will add you to the weekly email list. Everyone is welcome, weather you want to lose 5lbs or 50lbs. If you don't see your link and you are participating, please email me

Colima Smith of: Moppy Jane Crafts  
Brianne Kjar of: Kjar Family
Sarah of: Sew Sarah
Lissylou of: Lissylou & the 2 Little boys
Karen of: Lolodesigns
April of: The Art Chics
Jenna of: Corgi Pants
Sarah of: Blogger Chix Design

Ok ladies I am thinking next week of adding Mr. linky to make my life a bit easier.  Let me know what you think!


LoloDesigns said...

Hang on in there! Mr Linky would be a great idea.

I registered on that calorie count website today, it is really good. Bit of an eye opener too!! xx

Sarah said...

Hope you're feeling better. Great job on meeting more of your goal on drinking more milk. I think a Mr. Linky would be a great idea. I was actually going to suggest that to you :-) just to make your life easier.

Jenna Z said...

Great post! Just a little nit-picky thing, could you correct my name (it's Jenna).

julietk said...

Hi, are you close to your goal weight? I found I got stuck with seven pounds to go,after loosing nearly 4 stone. A suttle change in the foods I ate kick started it again after 4 weeks of frustration. I could go on for ages about diets :-) I had better go.