Thursday, December 23, 2010

Another Move For the Smith Family.

We will be moving across town on Feb. 1st.  This will be the 11th move Chad and I have made since 1993, and we are not even a military family.  I am happy about the new house... but not about moving... so much work!  We are moving to a vintage farm house.. wooo hooo!  It is a lot bigger!  We are currently squished into 1670 sq feet and now will be in 2400sq feet... which is a much better size for a family of six.  Kids will still be sharing rooms, but I will have a dedicated sewing room and the kids will have a play room! YEA... no more toys all over our living space.  No more pool, which is a happy/sad kind of thing.  we will miss it desperately this summer... but not the expense.  We know this is not our last move, but we hope to stay put for a couple of years at least.  I am super excited about decorating the new house.. because it is soo charming.... there will be pictures:)

Stay tuned!