Graham turned 3.
Gwen turned 10.
Gabby became a teenager-13(and a woman)
Scarlette Grace-turned one.
Family trips to Fort Brag, Coos Bay OR and Tahoe
1 blog makeover.
1 dog added to our family-Chuy Pepe Molina Marquez-Smith.
1 fish added to our family-Herbert-he was from the fair and is still alive:)
Graham's binki went out the car window and never came back.He was finally night potty trained and moved to a big bed. He learned to swim and ride a two wheel bike with no training wheels.
Scarlette Grace-learned to: walk, talk, feed her self, is #2 potty trained, got teeth, stopped breast feeding, can sing most of the ABC's-Crazy I know.
Gabby is now 5'4" and can wear my shoes, she started 8th grade,continues to dance, she got a job and spends a lot of time with her friends.
Gwen-is becoming a great cook and continues to want to become a chef. She started 5th grade and her last year of elementary school, continues to dance and spends a lot of time with her friends.
Got a part time job.
Got to witness a C-Section- my Nieces birth.
19 books read- compared to 23 in 2009.
Quilts finished-1 -compared to 5 in 2009.
8lbs lost-10 more to go-uggg
Started the Vintage Sheet Blog
Joined 3 Quilting Bee's- Which I am WAY behind on.
Made my own baby food.
Taught 2 friends to quilt.
Finished my first Crochet project.
Finished my first Crochet project.
Had a booth in 3 of Napa's Vintage Flea Market.
Built one kids picnic table.
4 beach trips
146 Blog Posts- compared to 193 in 2009.
Many-sewing, knitting projects and vintage finds.
Found another house to move into.
Here's to 2011 being even more productive and funfilled!

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