That is what the invitation said... and actually it was a really fun party. Tiffanie's parents are ever so nice and let us have the party at their house. We planned lots of fun old fashion games .... it was a pot luck so we had lots of yummy food!
If you weren't on the invite list this year and you see how much fun it was from the photos and need to be on the list for next year... send me and email!
Pop Up tent decorated cute.. We made the cute rockets and they had candy in them.
Drink station.
I brought my 4th decorations and hung them up.
I brought my American flag with .... it was Chad's great grandmas.
Tiffanie and I made the ruffled crepe paper garland.
We made bean bag toss....You can find the project instructions for all projects and deco we made on my pin board
Here we are the hostesses.
Starting from left.. Molly, Alicia, Laurie, Megan, ME, Heidi and Kelly
BFF's Scarlette and Tatum playing in the pool.
Andrea, Lyndsie, Kattie and Stace and Kaylyn
Dinner time
Scarlette, Tatum, Keller and Cooper.
Ruffle Booties!
Keller and Cooper
Tatum enjoying her cupcake.
My crazy boy.
Such a goof ball
Kattie, Tatum and Scarlette in the baby pool.
Water balloon toss.
Me catching a water balloon... and Heidi laughing at me!
This is where me and Tiff got out of the game :(
I love that everyone played:)
Down to the last two groups.
Amelia and Scarlette
This balloon lasted all of two seconds.
Gabby and Emily doing the three legged race.
Everyone getting ready for the three legged race.
Here we are all lined up ready to race... Tiff and I lost this one too... we were laughing so hard we were a little slow.
See us in the middle way in the back.
The second heat.
The two winning teams against each other.
It was a tie... so they had to go the again.
Karson in the pool.
Kids getting ready to do the egg race.
And they are off.
Alicia in the lead
Molly and Dan
We had to move the egg race to the street... because egg races do not break on the grass.
Sad Sophie... her egg broke.
and Gabby is out.
Alicia in the lead.
Me watching the race.
Winner winner!
Sophie and Sage watching the pie eating contest.
Troy,Gabby, Emily and Gwen... the only ones brave enough to eat some pie.
and they are off.
Gabby's friend Troy.
Funny thing is Gwen doesn't even like pie filling
Pie up Emily's nose.
And the Winner is ... Troy
Gabby and Emily in their cute skirts I made.
BFF's Tiffanie and Chad....being silly!
It was such a fun party... can't wait for next year!

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