Third Post for the day... WOO HOO.
In October we went to Tahoe with the Feigel family for a weekend get away. Our friend's family has a cabin up there that they ever so nicely let us use. We had a fun filled relaxing time and Tiffanie even made time to sew.
Pictures all out of order... just trying to get caught up.
Karson and Graham playing with flashlights outside at night:)

Tatum and Karson trying to fit through the tube at the same time.
Graham.... PEACE
Me in all my haggy glory. No makeup... Crazy hair. Love when the kids take these pictures.
Graham in the tent.
Graham, Gwen, Karson, Tatum and Scarlette Grace.
Graham and Karson watching a show and being silly.
Graham and Karson cracking up at themselves.
Scarlette getting into the beer that the Daddies kept outside to stay cold.
Scarlette the snow bunny.
Tatum the snow bunny...
Karson and Graham riding toys on the deck.
Chuy warming in front of the heater:)
Game time. Keith, Chad, Gabby and Gwen
Me-real pretty again, gabby and Keith all texting on the couch!
Karson in the bottom left corner cracking up- LOVE it and Graham and Scarlette in the tent.
Gabby and Chuy snuggling on the couch.
Scarlette climbing through the tunnel.
(Tiffanie brought a ton of fun toys for the kids to play with.)
Tatum and Scarlette taking a bath.
Bath Babies.
Tiffanie and all the kids except Gabby.
Everyone trying to sit on Tiff's lap.
Keith and Gwen cooking.
Cute Boys!
Being silly.
Scarlette making her scowly face!
Tiffanie falling over the couch... gabby taking her picture with her phone.
Tatum the bath monster:)
Graham at the bottom of the stairs with the flash light.
Gabby and Gwen playing a game.
Proof that they can be nice to each other sometimes.
More outside flash light fun!
Karson really enjoyed whatever he ate:) Smore maybe?
The day we were leaving it was POURING rain and Chad had to load the car. So he improvised and stuck a trash bag over his puffy vest. So funny!

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