Month's and eons ago we had a special fundraiser for my sweet niece Nattie who has CdLS... read her story here and more about the event here. It was a wonderful event that raised over $12,000. Which is a huge help with her ongoing medical expenses. She has since had surgery on her stomach and had a G tube put in and is doing so much better.... She is now 6 months old and hit the 12 pound mark and is in the 90% percentile for her syndrome.
Here are some photos from the event... totally out of order though.
My sister is the blonde and her friends.
Chad, Jenny, Tiffanie and Wendy
Me and George doing the raffle.. My sis and George have been friends since high school
George and I pose again.
Laura- Keely's BFF since High School and Georges Wife... and Nattie
My Mama and Nattie
My Papa and Nattie
My mom, sis and Nattie
My Uncle Eckart who came up with the idea for the fundraiser and planned it with my Aunt. I believe this is his friend John.
Me and Nattie
I need to see this girl I miss her too much!
Tiffanie and Nattie
My brother in Law Gabe and Nattie's Daddy.
My sis listening to Eckart's speach
Keely, George and Chris in the back ground.
My sis and Wendy.
Eckart and Gabe
It was a day filled with so much love and hope for this special little girlies future.

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